<< DiskFolder™ Online Help >> > Introduction DiskFolder™ is a disk catalog management tool for Macintosh™ that keeps disk catalog information for ejected disks. DiskFolder™ can manage any Macintosh disks. There are many kinds of disk management tools in the world, but DiskFolder™ has following advantages: • puts your disks into hierarchical folders such like Finder™, • plug-ins support many kinds of compressed archives, (*) • fully customizable save options for each media, • finds files quickly with various options, • supports fuzzy find that can find with misspelled name etc., • gives you an easy access to the contents by folder popup menu. So far, you “thrown away a disk into the Trash” to eject a disk. From now on, place an alias of DiskFolder™ besides the Trash and “put away your disk into DiskFolder™.” DiskFolder™ automatically renews its database, and then eject the disk. “It is no use crying over a trashed disk!” (*) standard plug-ins support StuffIt/CompactPro/NowCompress/DiskDoubler/PackIt/zip/LHA archives, DiskCopy image file, OnLocation data file and font suitcase extractors. The plug-in development kit is also available on many networks. > System requirements DiskFolder™ requires, • any Macintosh™ with MC68020 and higher or PowerPC, • System 7.0.1 or later. (If you are using the System prior to 7.1, you need to patch DiskFolder™ by “DFPatchFor701.”) > How to use DiskFolder™ - Words used in this help • DiskFolder™: DiskFolder™ application itself. • a diskfolder: A folder in DiskFolder™ that holds disks in it. • the base diskfolder: The diskfolder with Trash in it. • [xxx-yyy]: The 'yyy' sub-menu in the 'xxx' menu. - Installation and setting of Plug-ins If you want to add a plug-in, put it into "DiskFolder Plug-ins" folder and re-start DiskFolder. Too many use of plug-ins comsumes much time to read disks. It is recommended to remove unnecessary plug-ins from the plug-in folder. To set preferences of a plug-in, double click on the plug-in shown in the [-Plug-ins] dialog. Some plug-ins have no customizable setting. - Localization of DiskFolder™ If you want to use DiskFolder™ in non-English, place “language.rsrc” file in the “DiskFolder Plug-ins” folder. Currently only Japanese version of “Japanese.rsrc” is distributed by the author. If you want to make another version of “language.rsrc”, please contact to the auther for more information. - Basic operation The basic concept of operation and menu configuration of DiskFolder™ are the same as those of Finder™. You can create new diskfolders, rename disks and diskfolders, move disks and diskfolders between diskfolders like files in Finder™. Unlike Finder™, all preferences are set in the menu [File-Preferences]. Details for each setting is explained later in the section “Preference options”. DiskFolder™ has [Windows] menu and you can choose an opened window from the menu. It also has an additional menu [Utility]. Usage of this menu is explained later in the section “Utility functions”. - Saving a disk catalog There are two ways to save/replace disk information. • Drag & Drop Drag a disk icon onto DiskFolder™ (or its alias) icon in Finder™. This is the same way to trash a disk to eject. If the disk is new one, the disk will appear in the base diskfolder, otherwise stored information will be replaced. After saving/replacing an information, the disk will be ejected and DiskFolder™ quits itself. This is the alternatiDPf ejecting disks. • Insert a disk after DiskFolder™ launches When the menu [Special-Auto Read Mode] is checked, inserting a disk after launching DiskFolder™ also saves/replaces a disk information. If the disk is new one, the disk will appear in the front most diskfolder. If the front most window is not a diskfolder, the disk will appear in the base diskfolder. This way is convenient when you want to add many disks to the database. If you press “ctrl” key while drag & drop or inserting a disk, the disk remains in the disk drive after saving/replacing the information. - Preference options There are three sub-menus in the preference setting menu, “View”, “Save”, and “Other”. The following is the brief explanation of these settings. * View Options • Set font & size: Set a font and size in view. • Set colors: Set various colors used in the catalog list. • Always snap to grid/Grid kind: Same as Finder™. • Disk full limit: Disks which uses more than specified percentage will be shown in special color. • Show disk used percentage: Show used percentage in the list view. • Show document icon: If checked, DiskFolder™ shows file icons of themselves as possible. However, because of the Mac OS limitations, icons for an application which does not exist on the system disk can not be displayed. If it is not checked, boring built-in icons will be displayed. • Show creator name: If checked, DiskFolder™ shows creator names as possible. This option also has the above Mac OS limitation. If it is not checked, only codes are displayed in “TYPE/CREA” format. • Show PPC native info.: If checked, DiskFolder™ distinguish Power/Fat Applications from normal (for 68K, or unknown) applications. This option only affects disks saved with “Save vers and native info” option. This option will cost much time to open folders. • Attach version number: If checked, DiskFolder™ adds version information after file names. This option also has the above limitation. This option will cost much time to open folders. • Show invisible files: Show invisible files in the list. • Calculate folder sizes: Same as Finder™. This option will cost much time to open folders. • Remove ";1"...: Remove ";1" at the end of files in UNIX/DOS CD (probably a bug in 'Foreign File Access'). • Hierarchical display: In find result windows, files contained by another found folder are shown as subitems. This option will cost much time to show the results. • Use trashed color: In find result windows, trashed items are shown in user specified color. This option will cost much time to show the results. In normal browse windows, these items are always shown in special color. • Default view of disk contents: This menu assigns the default sort key for disk contents view. * Save Options Save options are divided into two parts, general settings and media dependent settings. + General save options • DOS extension mapping: DiskFolder™ complements file type/creator information of compressed files in DOS archives from its extension name. You can edit the relation between DOS extensions and types/creators. This function depends on each plug-in you are using. • DOS extension mapping: If checked, DiskFolder™ changes its own DOS extension mapping table and PC Exchange extension mapping table to the same contents. • Prefer 'PC Exchange'/'DiskFolder': If the DiskFolder mapping table assigns an extension to different creator/type that is in the PC Exchange mapping table, DiskFolder uses the slected mapping for synchronization. • Recognize "PC_..." disk: DiskFolder™ ignores a creation date of a disk which name starts with "PC_" and identifies only by its name. It is a countermeasure for missing creation date of DOS disks. • Delete empty folder: Remove empty folders from the catalog list. + Media dependent options • Media menu: Chooses the media type for following settings. "Default" setting is adopted to media that has no custom setting. • Use custom setting: The chosen media has custom setting. The media which has custom setting will be displayed in outline face in the media menu above. • Invisible files: Save files which are hidden by Finder™. • Trashed files: Save file information in the Trash. • Version & PPC native: Save version information and checks if an application is PPC native or not. However, this option is not efficient for compressed files. This option will cost much time to save a disk catalog. • Aliases: Save alias files. • Use plug-ins: Uses extractor plug-ins in the "DiskFolder Plug-ins" folder. • Custom disk icon: Saves custom disk icons. • Type list, Exclude/Include types: The types in the type list will be excluded from the catalog list (when "Exclude" is selected), or only the types in the list will be included in the catalog list (when "Include" is selected). • [<<] button: Add a type in the text field (should be 4 letters). • [Add from file] button: Add a type of a user chosen file to the list. • [Delete] button: Remove selected type(s) from the list. The above settings are efficient only for disks which saved/replaced its information after the options were changed. * Other Options • Remember last find condition: Remember last used find condition. • Maximum found items: If the number of found items reaches to this number, DiskFolder™ stops finding and displays the result at that time. This number may be smaller if there is not sufficient memory. • Don't eject when * is *: If this modifier key is pressed, the disk remains in the disk drive after reading its catalog information. • Quit DiskFolder when…: If checked, DiskFolder™ quits itself when the base diskfolder was closed. • Empty the disk trash on quit: If checked, DiskFolder™ cleans up the trashed disks. • Password...: You can set a password for the current database. (Caution: Never open a database with password protection by the older version of DiskFolder. This will cause database corruption.) - Find options • Find mode menu: You can choose how the find string appears in the found files. You should assign other conditions (such as type/creator), when you choose "Any name" option from this menu. • Case sensitive: If this option is checked, 'A' and 'a' are treated as different characters. • Fuzzy find: If this option is checked, space is ignored (“Disk Folder”=“DiskFolder”), misspelling is allowed (“auther”=“author”, “aplication”=“application”, “appel”=“apple”, etc.), similar characters ('-', '—', etc.) are treated as the same. • Remove same: Remove the same files (same name/kind/size/date) from the result and keep only one. • Latest only: Keep only the latest files (same name/kind and the latest date) in the result. • Kind: Only checked items are the targets. However, if you specify a type or a creator of the target, disks and folders are automatically ignored. • Type/Creator: These fields specify a file type and a creator of the target file. You can type into the fields or choose from the right side menus which remember latest 20 choices. • Modified dates: You can specify the range of a modified date. To change the date, click on the date string. • Min/Max sizes: You can specify the range of target file size. The right side menu is a simple calculator. If you type "1.5" in a field and choose "x MB" option from the menu, "1572864" will be in the field. • Contents of archives/Invisible files: You can include/exclude contents of archives and invisible files from the target. • Find scope: Choosing some disks or diskfolders before selecting [File-Find] menu ristricts the find scope. The scope will be shown in the title bar of the Find dialog. - Functions with special keys The following is the list of functions with special keys (option etc.). • Multi Selection Select items with “shift” key. • Open the folder directly (by Finder™) Open the folder with “ctrl” key. • Open the folder that contains the selected file Open the file with “ctrl” key. • Close the window after opening the selected item Open the item with “option” key. • Show folder popup menu (list of contents) Click the folder with “command” key. • Show title popup menu (list of ancestors) Click the window title with “command” key. • Close all windows Close a window with “option” key. • Flip grid option temporary during dragging disks Release disks with “command” key. • Sort icons by Name/Size… Choose [View-by Name/Size…] first and again choose [View-by Icon]. Then choose [Special-Clean Up] with “option” key. • Save disk catalog without ejecting the disk Drop or Insert a disk with “ctrl” key (user customizable). • Enter utility mode at startup Launch DiskFolder™ with “ctrl” key. This function is necessary if the database is heavily damaged and could not open even the base diskfolder. • Choose file type and creator at a time (in the find dialog etc.) Choose [Choose] menu with “option” key. - Other tips • Dragging out files outside DiskFolder™ windows makes copies of selected files onto Desktop. If you drop files with “option” key, aliases of these files will be created. • Clicking on Name/Size… index at the top of the window changes the view of the list. • Key strokes makes a slection of files which start with the input string. The string will be clear after 2 seconds or pressing "clear/esc" key. • Selecting disks and/or diskfolders followed by choosing [File-Find], limits the find scope within the selected items. • Selecting all items in the find results window followed by choosing [File-Find], limits the find scope within the find results. The difference from the above is that, in this case, contents of the selected folder is excluded from the find scope. • Choosing [Special-Clean Up] with some selections cleans up only selected icons. - Utility functions [Utility] menu maintains the DiskFolder™ database. When you choose the [Utility-Enter Utility Mode], all windows are closed and utility menus are enabled. To go back to the normal mode, choose [Utility-Exit Utility Mode]. The following is the brief explanation of the utility menus. • Diagnose Databse: Diagnose and fix the problem on DiskFolder™ database. • Synchronize Databses: Synchronize two databases. This is convenient if you use two Macs connected by AppleTalk™. • Switch DB Folder: You can switch the DiskFolder™ database folder from this menu. It is convenient if you have two database sets, one for your job, another for your hobby. • Save Data as TEXT: Save database files in TEXT format. If you choose a disk data file, you can get a list of all files in the disk. If you choose a “DiskName.tbl”, you can get a disk list stored in the database. • Re-Create Disk: Change the date of creation of a disk. This function is for users of pre-formatted disks. DiskFolder™ identifies a disk by its name and creation date, therefore, different disks with the same creation date (such as pre-formatted floppies in the market) cause a little trouble. Do NOT change the date of a disk that is already stored in the DiskFolder™ database. > Special informations - Copyrights DiskFolder™ is copyrighted by Hit-C Soft House (Hitoshi Nakahara). You should not change any portion of the programs and documents in the DiskFolder™ package without author's permission. - Limited warranty Hit-C Soft House takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any damage this program may cause to your computer system or data files due to either bugs or misuse. While we always checks our produtcs using the latest anti-virus program (Disinfectant™) at the release point. - Distribution As with most Shareware, you may feel free to distribute the DiskFolder™ package (programs/documents) but not for commercial purpose. - Shareware information DiskFolder™ is a shareware. The shareware fee is ¥2,500 (or US$25 is acceptable) for a single user license and ¥8,000 (or US$80) for a corporation license. You need only one single user license for all of your Macintoshes as long as you are the only user of these Macs. For a corporation license, there is no limit of number of Macintoshes as long as these Macintoshes are assets of the registered corporation (as long as the corporation is located in the same address). Please send a shareware fee by postal money order with a registration form. You can save a registration form as a text file by clicking on the button in this about dialog box. You can edit and print it by your favorite word processing program. Please use this form for registration. The author's address is written there. - and more... In case that the above information is different from the Japanese version, the Japanese version is prior to this information. > E-mail and WWW home page Bug reports, suggestions are always appreciated whether you are registered or not. Please send (in Japanese or English) an E-mail to: Hitoshi NAKAHARA, TBC02674@niftyserve.or.jp or hit-c@eis.or.jp The URL of the authors Web Home Page is http://www.eis.or.jp/muse/hit-c/ In the Home Page, you will find the latest version of DiskFolder™ and other products from Hit-C Soft House. Thanks a lot!